U-Visas - VAWA
We Get You Out Of Detention And Through Immigration Court
Escondido U-Visas - VAWA Lawyer
Both U-Visas and VAWA help victims of domestic abuse and related crimes by granting legal status in the United States to victims. This bright spot in our national consciousness can provide a road to citizenship for people that are endangered in their home countries. U-Visas and VAWA help victims of abuse stay in the United States or to come here from their home country, but they have different requirements and procedures. The best way for a victim of abuse to find out what type of applications would best suit their situation is to speak to an experienced San Diego Immigration Attorney.
Call Rick Sterger, The Immigration Guy, at (760) 280-7900 to schedule a free confidential consultation.
Should I Apply for a U-Visa or with VAWA?
U-visas and VAWA are intended for victims of serious crimes, including domestic violence, and pave the way to permanent residence. A major drawback of the U-Visa is that the law limits the number to 10,000 a year, and the cap is usually reached well before the end of the year. There is no limitation on the number of VAWA petitions and processing is much faster, but you it’s only open to victims of abusers that are citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Victims whose abusers are not citizens or permanent residents may apply for a U-Visa in exchange for assisting law enforcement with their abuser’s prosecution. There are many additional criteria to consider, so it’s important to consult with an immigration attorney that specializes in U-visas and VAWA before applying.
Call Rick Sterger, The Immigration Guy at (760) 280-7900 to schedule a consultation.
San Diego Immigration Attorney
If you’re a crime victim seeking a path to permanent resident status in the United States, it’s important to put your best foot forward by choosing the right type of application, preparing it properly and submitting it with all the required supporting documentation.
Call (760) 280-7900 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation with San Diego immigration attorney Rick Sterger - The Immigration Guy.